Create Words
Login = There are 2 buttons on a calculator to make this word: log and in.
Cabin = On your calculator there should be blue letters, to type them click alpha and put in the letters c, a, b, then click the button named in.
Hello = type 07734 and flip your calculator upside down.
Google = type 376006 and flip your calculator upside down.
Bee = type 338 and flip your calculator upside down.
Eggs = Type 5663 and flip your calculator upside down.
F1 CAR = Find the blue letters, click alpha then press F, then press 1, then click alpha and type C and A then put a square root.

Tricks to impress your friends
Tell someone to enter a 3-digit number into a calculator,
Then tell them to type that same number in again,
Make sure they don’t tell you the number,
Tell them to divide the number by 11,
Then tell them to divide that number by 13,
Then tell them to divide that number by their original 3-digit number,
Their answer will always be 7,
Announce that their answer is 7 and shock them.
Tell someone to pick a number from 1-9,
Make sure they don’t tell you,
Tell them to times their number by 9,
Tell them to times the answer by 12345679 (make sure they don’t put an 8 in that),
Tell them to click equals so the original equation isn’t on the screen,
Their original number will be the number repeated in the answer,
For example, if their original number was 7 then the answer to the equation would be 777777777,
Tell them their original number and shock them.