Mr McGee
Head of Faculty for MFL
My name is Mr McGee and I’m the head of languages here at Leventhorpe and am entering my 5th year.
So, what do I do? Essentially, I oversee a fantastic team who cover all things languages. First and foremost, I am a classroom teacher, and this is by far the best part of my job. I love teaching. I love being in the classroom, watching students’ progress and hopefully passing on my passion for languages.
Lessons, trips, clubs, progress, and curriculum are many of the things we do in the MFL faculty. On a typical day I may have 3-4 lessons. This could range from year 7 right up to year 13. When I am not teaching, I walk around the faculty to make sure students are engaged in their learning. I keep an eye on the presentation standards. I get to see the superb languages lessons put on by our team. I have the fortunate (and misfortunate) role of contacting home for any successes (or concerns) in relation to our students. In the evenings we often discuss student progress and how we best design our curriculum so that students get the most valuable language learning experience.
We organise trips, we organise clubs, we organise school events such as the European week of languages. There is a long-listed things we do in the languages faculty but hopefully that gives you an idea of my role at Leventhorpe.